Frequently asked questions.
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What documentation do we need for our wedding?
To complete the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) we need:
passport (Australian or foreign) OR
original birth certificate and a driver’s licence (or other form of official photo ID), and
evidence of termination of your most recent marriage, for example, original divorce papers or your former spouse’s death certificate (if applicable)
change of name if there is a difference in name from birth certificate
All these documents must be in English or have an official translation certificate.
How can we sign the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) if we aren’t in Canberra with you?
If you are in Australia, I can witness you signing the NOIM remotely (ZOOM, FaceTime, WApp). If you are overseas you will need an authorised person to witness you signing the NOIM . These include an Australian Consular Officer, an Australian Diplomatic Officer, a notary public, an employee of the Commonwealth authorised under paragraph 3(c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955, or an employee of the Australian Trade Commission authorised under paragraph 3(d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955. Note: For the definitions of Australian Consular Officer and Australian Diplomatic Officer, see section 2 of the Consular Fees Act 1955.
How do we book your celebrant services?
I will provide you with a quote and a contract to consider which is like a Service Agreement. It details all the terms and conditions – what you can expect from me and what I require from you. To book me for a specific date, I require you to accept the quote sign the contract and pay the non-refundable booking fee. I accept cash or a direct bank transfer. I don’t accept credit card payments. Once that is received, Ithat secures my services for the date you requested!
What if my date needs to change?
If your date changes, you need to contact me immediately to check availability.
Do you navigate the legal stuff for us, or do we need to do that too?
That all sits with me. We just work to pull the info together and I manage it all on your behalf. This is done pretty much in the back end of the process, blink and you will miss. But I wont! The main legal bits are completing the NOIM and the Declaration in advance and then I register the marriage immediately after. You just sit back and enjoy the creative part of co-designing exactly what you want the memory to be.
What legal stipulations exist for couples marrying?
The Marriage Act 1961 states that “Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of 2 people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”
To be able to marry in Australia you must:
not be married to someone else (if your divorce is pending you can start the process, but your divorce must be finalised before you can marry)
not be marrying a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother or sister
be at least 18 years old, (if one person is between 16 and 18 a court order must be obtained)
understand what marriage means and freely consent to marrying
use specific words during the ceremony (I will go through this with you)
give written notice of your intention to marry to an authorised celebrant (me), a minimum of one month before your ceremony
How far in advance do we need to contact you about your celebrant services?
Couple of things to consider here.
You need to complete the NOIM a minimum of 1 month and maximum of 18 months before the wedding, unless you have approval from a prescribed authority (only given in limited circumstances). It is best to contact me as soon as you have set the date for your wedding. So there is the legal window of time within which you need to sign.
That said, even if your wedding is 18 months away, I recommend couples sign the NOIM as soon as possible so they have built in flexibility for their date in case of emergency or a need to move the date. There are many reasons why you may need to move the date which may include; family illness, personal circumstance change (such as moving overseas). Once signed you can be married immediately as soon as that month passes. But if you wait and gthe emergency comes then you must wait for that month if you don’t meet the shortening of time criteria.
Why did you become a marriage celebrant?
There are few jobs that see people at their best and happiest. Marriage Celebrant is one of those, so who wouldn't want to be involved. l love hearing people's stories and working with couples to create a wonderful memory for them and a great experience for their guests. I really only want to be involved in activities that reaffirm love, joy, understanding and inclusion.
Can you help with other vendors?
Absolutely. Take a look at my list of recommended vendors on this website fir some inspo. These are some vendors that I have worked with or seen their craft and as such suggest you take a look. I am NOT in a paid relationship with any of them. Once we sit down and chat and know more of your vision for your day, there may be others better suited to your needs as well.
What do you wear as the celebrant?
That is fully dependent on yourselves. I will always work with couples to ensure I am in keeping with your theme/vibe, and will discuss this with you in advance. More often than not I will get you to choose; most couples like the Schitt's Creek Blue jacket unless its a black tie event!
What is your inclusion policy?
I’m all about equality, inclusion and the recognition of love. I would love to be involved in your wedding. I am blind to race, age, religion or how you identify. As a member of the LGBTIQ+ community I fully embrace everyone who come to be married by me. The end goal is to recognise the love that is in the room and get you guys married!
How long should we plan for the ceremony?
I recommend you plan for no more than 30 minutes, in total. Most ceremonies when constructed around inclusions that hold meaning and relevance will fit perfectly into that time frame. Anymore than that you will find guests moving in their seats, your ankles getting a little sore and longing looks towards the wine bar.
Are you multilingual and can you include in ceremonies?
Yes I am and yes I can. I have delivered a ceremony in Mandarin, and can speak Thai and French. So if you want me to include some of the ceremony in another language so all your guests who may otherwise be at risk of missing some of the ceremony then let me know. I can not stand in as an interpreter function though if one of the couple does not speak English. That, legally, we need to get help with.
Are you vaccinated?
Absolutely! Four times vaccinated and fluvax.